Hons 195N: A Social and Mathematical History of Cryptography

Fall 2009


Course Info:



[PDF] Syllabus



Occasional homework will be given roughly on a weekly basis. Some homework assignments may include writing response essays. Others will be mathematical problems; be sure to show your work and explain how you got your answer. Cooperation on these homework problems is permitted (and encouraged), but if you work together, write the solution up on your own.

[PDF] Homework #1 (due Friday, 4 September)

[PDF] Homework #2 (due Monday, 14 September)

[PDF] Homework #3 (due Wednesday, 16 September)

[PDF] Homework #4 (due Wednesday, 23 September)

[PDF] Homework #5 (due Wednesday, 30 September)

[PDF] Homework #6 (due Wednesday, 7 October) = Worksheet, Day #14

[PDF] Homework #7 (due Friday, 16 October)

[PDF] Homework #8 (due Wednesday, 11 December)


Class Participation:

To encourage lively participation, the final grade includes a metric of your preparedness and responsiveness in class.

A Google group for the class has been created. On certain days of class discussion, you will be asked to send one or more questions, concerns, points of clarification or interest, etc. to the group concerning the reading on the day before each class. You are encouraged but not required to read the questions of your peers.



[PDF] Worksheet, Day #2 (Wednesday, 2 September)

[PDF] Worksheet, Day #3 (Friday, 4 September)

[PDF] Worksheet, Day #4 (Wednesday, 9 September)

[PDF] Worksheet, Day #8 (Friday, 18 September)

[PDF] Worksheet, Day #12 (Monday, 28 September)

[PDF] Worksheet, Day #14 (Friday, 2 October)

[PDF] Worksheet, Day #22 (Friday, 23 October)



The additional reading for the course can be obtained at Blackboard.

Warning: Readings many weeks in advance are subject to change.

Basic Cryptography
131 Aug(M)Introduction
22 Sep(W)Shift ciphers and congruences (0) S: pp. 1-14 (in chapter 1)
(1) TW: pp. 1-4 (sections 1.1-1.1.1)
(1) TW: pp. 12-14 (section 2.1)
(1) TW: pp. 70-72 (section 3.3)
34 Sep(F)Substitution ciphers (1) TW: pp. 24-30 (sections 2.4-2.5)
7 Sep(M)No class, Labor Day
49 Sep(W)Frequency analysis (0) S: pp. 14-32 (in chapter 1)
(2) HPS: pp. 4.10 (section 1.1.1)
511 Sep(F)The Babington plot (0) S: pp. 32-44 (in chapter 1)
614 Sep(M)Cribs (4) K: pp. 325-330 (in section 13.1)
716 Sep(W)Vigenère cipher (0) S: pp. 45-63 (in chapter 2)
818 Sep(F)Kasiski test (0) S: pp. 63-99 (in chapter 2)
921 Sep(M)Displacement analysis (2) HPS: pp. 200-209 (sections 4.2.1-4.2.2)
(1) TW: pp. 16-24 (section 2.3)
The Enigma Machine: Mathematical Analysis
1123 Sep(W)The mechanization of security (0) S: pp. 101-124 (chapter 3)
1125 Sep(F)Basic functioning of the Enigma machine (0) S: pp. 124-142 (chapter 3)
1228 Sep(M)Demonstration (3) HS: pp. 83-88 (chapter 11)
1330 Sep(W)Simple Enigmas (4) K: pp. 331-338 (section 13.2)
142 Oct(F)Basic principles of counting (2) HPS: pp. 190-196 (section 4.1)
155 Oct(M)Permutations
167 Oct(W)The plugboard (4) K: pp. 338-347 (section 13.3)
9 Oct(F)No class, Fall Recess
1712 Oct(M)The plugboard does not hide... (4) K: pp. 348-353 (section 14.1)
(0) S: pp. 143-160 (in chapter 4)
1814 Oct(W)The Polish contribution (9) T: pp. 419-439 (Rakus-Andersson)
1916 Oct(F)Beautiful Polish females (4) K: pp. 353-361 (section 14.2)
2019 Oct(M)Passing the torch (4) K: pp. 362-367 (section 14.3)
(0) S: pp. 160-189 (in chapter 4)
2121 Oct(W)The Turing bombes (4) K: pp. 368-376 (section 15.1)
(7) C: pp. 313-335 (chapter 6)
2223 Oct(F)The bombes at work (4) K: pp. 377-381 (section 15.2)
(3) HS: pp. 132-137 (chapter 17)
2326 Oct(M)The Automatic Computing Engine (7) C: pp. 362-394 (chapter 9)
Cryptology and World War II: Historical Analysis
2428 Oct(W)The Staff School memory (6) K: pp. 1-14 (chapter 1)
(6) K: pp. 161-169 (chapter 13)
30 Oct(F)No class, Cocurricular Exchange Day
262 Nov(M)SHARK (4) K: pp. 381-390 (section 15.3)
274 Nov(W)The influence of Ultra in WW2 (3) HS: pp. 1-13 (introduction)
286 Nov(F)Hut 6, Hut 8, and naval Enigma (3) HS: pp. 89-99 (chapter 12)
(3) HS: pp. 113-118 (chapter 14)
The Life and Work of Alan Turing
299 Nov(M)"Relay Race" (8) H: pp. 185-222
3011 Nov(W)"Relay Race" and "On the Beach" (8) H: pp. 222-241, 456-487
3113 Nov(F)"On the Beach" (8) H: pp. 487-527
3216 Nov(M)The Turing test (7) C: pp. 433-464 (chapter 11)
3318 Nov(W)Machines and intelligence Braitenberg Vehicles
3420 Nov(F)From Turing to the information society (9) T: pp. 59-74 (Cerqui)
3523 Nov(M)Discussion and wrap-up
25--27 Nov(W--F)No class, Thanksgiving Recess
Modern Cryptography
3630 Nov(M)Public key cryptography (0) S: pp. 243-292 (chapter 6)
372 Dec(W)GCDs and modular inverses (1) TW: pp. 66-68 (section 3.1.3)
(1) TW: pp. 72-75 (section 3.3.1)
384 Dec(F)Exponentiation and Fermat's little theorem (1) TW: pp. 78-79 (section 3.5)
(1) TW: pp. 79-82 (section 3.6)
397 Dec(M)RSA (1) TW: pp. 164-169 (section 6.1)
409 Dec(W)Integer factorization


Final Paper:

In place of a final exam, there will be a final paper.

[PDF] Final paper (due Thursday, 17 December)

