John Voight
I was the GSI for Multilinear Algebra, Math 250B, for Spring 2003.
Course Info:
This course info is copied from the course announcement.
- Course: Multilinear Algebra
- Instructor: Ken Ribet
- Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:40 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
- Room: 81 Evans Hall
- Instructor's Office: 885 Evans
- Instructor's Email:
- GSI: John Voight
- GSI's Office: 853 Evans
- GSI's Email:
- GSI's Office Hours: To be announced
- GSI's Web Page:
- Prerequisites: Math 250A or an equivalent course, or permission of the instructor.
- Syllabus: This course is a continuation of Math 250A. We will discuss such topics as infinite Galois theory, tensor products, multilinear algebra, homological agebra, rings with chain condition, ... .
- Required Text: Serge Lang, Algebra, Revised third edition.
- Grading: As usual, the final grade will be based on the homework and on whatever exams are given.
Homework 1 Solutions (January 30)
Homework 2 Solutions (February 6)
Homework 3 Solutions (February 13)
Homework 4 Solutions (February 20)
Homework 5 Solutions (March 6)
Homework 6 Solutions (March 18)
Homework 7 Solutions (April 1)
Homework 8 Solutions (April 10)
Homework 9 Solutions (May 15)
Anonymous Comment:
You can read the comments that have were
submitted during the course.
This page was last modified on Wednesday, June 4, 2003.