John Voight
I am the instructor for Elementary Number Theory, Math 115, for Summer 2004.
Course Info:
Here is my syllabus for the course:
There were 14 scores in the 36-50 range, receiving A- to A+; 14 scores in the 20-35 range, receiving C to B+; and 7 scores 19 or below, receiving a C- or below. These are very rough letter grade assignments that do not include your homework grades.
Out of a total scaled 100 points (including homework and the midterm exam), there were 12 scores in the 76-100+ range, receiving A- to A+; 11 scores in the 56-75 range, receiving B- to B+; 3 scores in the 49 to 55 range, receiving C to C+; and 6 scores < 40, which received a D or below. I did not assign separate letter grades for the final. Thanks everyone for a wonderful summer. Best wishes!
Here is a list of typos that we found from the text:
Typos in Kenneth Rosen, Elementary Number Theory, Fourth
Homework is due on Mondays. Be sure to show your work and explain how you got your answer. Correct but incomplete answers will only receive partial credit. Part of the beauty of number theory is in the elegance of its proofs, and one goal of this course is for you to learn to write mathematics excellently.
Cooperation on homework is permitted (and encouraged), but if you work together, do not take any paper away with you--in other words, you can share your thoughts (say on a blackboard), but you have to walk away with only your understanding. In particular, write the solution up on your own.
Solutions are available on request.
Homework 1 (Due June 28) and Homework 2 (Due July 6, no class
Monday, July 5)
Homework 3 (Due July 12, modified 07/07/04) and Homework 4 (Due July
Homework 5 (Due July 26) and Homework 6 (Due August 2)
Anonymous Comment:
Read the comments were submitted anonymously during the course.