Dartmouth-UVM Math Day
Saturday, 10 February 2024, Dartmouth College
The Dartmouth-UVM Math Day brings together mathematicians from Dartmouth College and the University of Vermont to share research, build connections, and do math!
Parking information: Use the Maynard lot (5 minute walk, free parking on weekends), or see the parking map.
All talks will be in Haldeman 041
- 9:00-9:55 a.m. coffee (upstairs in Kemeny 300)
- 9:55-10:00 a.m. welcome (Haldeman 041)
- 10:00-10:50 a.m. Dimitrios Giannakis (Dartmouth): Quantum information and data science for modeling classical dynamics
- 11:10-11:30 p.m. Will Thompson (UVM): Inferring interaction kernels in stochastic opinion dynamics models (chair: Taylor Dupuy)
- 11:35-11:55 p.m. Jesse Franklin (UVM): Geometry of Drinfeld modular forms
- 12:00-12:20 p.m. Andrew Hanlon (Dartmouth): Integrality of mirror maps
- 12:30-1:45 p.m. lunch (Haldeman 031)
- 1:45-2:05 p.m. Anton Hilado (UVM): Special loci on moduli spaces of abelian varieties with complex multiplication
- 2:10-2:30 p.m. Mariah Boudreau (UVM): Temporal and probabilistic comparisons of epidemic forecasts
- 2:35-2:55 p.m. Eran Assaf (Dartmouth): Canonical rings of stacky surfaces
- 3:00-3:30 p.m. coffee break (Kemeny 300)
- 3:30-3:50 p.m. Calum Buchanan (UVM): Saturation numbers: double stars and a general lower bound
- 4:00-4:30 p.m. Lightning talks!
- Taylor Dupuy (UVM): My favorite orders in Clifford algebras
- Tristan Phillips (Dartmouth): Average ranks of elliptic curves over number fields
- James Schmidt (Dartmouth): Symmetric chain decomposition of N(m,n)
- Longmei Shu (Dartmouth): Rock-paper-scissors game and male lizards
- Pete Winkler (Dartmouth): The home-field paradox
- 4:45-5:35 p.m. Spencer Backman (UVM): Graphs and matroids: the tropical way (chair: Sergi Elizalde)
- 5:45-7:30 p.m. dinner (Haldeman 031), with a poem by Aondofa Isaac Nyianshima (UVM)
Call for presentations
We invite submissions of 20-minute contributed talks and 5-minute lightning talks related to all areas of mathematics. Fourth- and fifth-year graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and other early career researchers are strongly encouraged to apply. Titles and brief abstracts are requested on the registration form (link below).
Registration is required; it was due 27 January 2024 and is now closed. But if you would like to attend, please email jvoight@gmail.com and we'll sort it out.
The conference will take place in Kemeny Hall on the Dartmouth College campus in lovely Hanover, NH.
We look forward to seeing you at Dartmouth-UVM Math Day in 2024! Please direct any questions to jvoight@gmail.com.